The Georgian Cowl

I LOVE mosaic crochet!  I first learned how to do it a few years ago from designer Tatsiana of Lilla Bjorn.  I have been in love with it since.  I have so many drafts ideas in my sketch books it has gotten to the point that I do not know which one to start with.  Thank goodness for the practicalities of life that intervene and help us get down to business.  My local independent yarn shop wanted me to teach Learn to Mosaic Crochet.  Continue reading “The Georgian Cowl”

Crochet Classes Winter 2020

Oh it’s that time again!  I always get so excited when the new list of crochet classes that I am teaching is published.  So many new opportunities for learning MORE crochet!  I get really excited sharing all the different techniques and stitches I know with others.   In any event, here is the list of new classes being offered at my favourite yarn shop, Continue reading “Crochet Classes Winter 2020”

The Fallsview Crochet Cowl

I love teaching others new crochet stitches and am constantly learning new crochet stitches too.  I usually practice my new stitch by making a washcloth.  They are small and easy to make, very practical and provide a sense of accomplishment.  While I like to practice this way, I know not everyone loves to do that.  Continue reading “The Fallsview Crochet Cowl”